The decision to homeschool does not mean you have to go it alone. Alderwood Academy is committed to providing you, the homeschool educator, with the structured organization and accountability of a school while supporting the superior education you provide your child.
Established to give the homeschool community the advantage of private school enrollment while maintaining the curricular freedom inherent in homeschooling, Alderwood Academy is a K-12 non-campus private umbrella school.
As your child's primary educator you will file attendance records with Alderwood at the end of each year.
Upon request, Alderwood can provide curricular guidance but of course, you are the primary educator and are free to use any curriculum you deem suitable.
Alderwood Academy's Board of Directors represents educational and business expertise. Our founder, Cathy Marsh, began her journey as a homeschool educator. Professional educators serve both on our board and as consultants. Our business connections keep Alderwood aware of workforce needs.
Alderwood Academy is welcoming: We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, gender, nationality or ethnic origin in administration of our educational and/or admissions policies. Admission is handled on a first-come basis.
Please contact us for information about current admissions availability:
(727) 430-8428
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